Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • The team actively participates in the national GDR Bioinformatique moléculaire. H. Touzet has been a member of the executive committee since 2007. In this context, she coorganized a two-day workshop, called Seqbio, in Montpellier in November 2013

  • We organize a regular pluridisciplinary seminar on bioinformatics, whose audience is composed of researchers in biology and bioinformatics. In the last twelve months, we proposed three events: Metagenomics (110 participants), Phylogenomics (52 participants) and Structural bioinformatics (30 participants)

  • We organized in Lille, with our collaborator Tilmann Weber from Universität Tüebingen, an international workshop on "Bioinformatics tools for NRPS discovery" in July. The schedule included introducing lectures by invited speakers which are key scientists in the field and practical sessions. It gathered 30 scientists from all the continents.